Inauguration of the Joseph-Rouleau Hall

Posted by Webmaster JMC | October 15, 2014

Inauguration of the Joseph-Rouleau Hall

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Montreal, October 15, 2014 – To acknowledge the exceptional contribution of Joseph Rouleau, C.C., G.O.Q. Dr h.c. to Jeunesses Musicales Canada (JMC) movement since 1989, a nameplate was officially unveiled at a ceremony attended by new JMC President Jean-Guy Gingras and JMC Foundation President André Bourbeau, renaming the Chamber Music Hall at JMC House “Joseph-Rouleau Hall”.

On this occasion, dignitaries, friends, family members and former colleagues of Mr. Rouleau gathered at JMC House to celebrate his 25 years of achievement as head of JMC’s Board of Directors.

“Joseph Rouleau is without a doubt the greatest ambassador Jeunesses Musicales of Canada has ever had, both nationally and internationally,” declared newly-minted JMC President Jean-Guy Gingras.

André Bourbeau also had high praise for the former president, noting that “thanks to his talents, his strong persuasion skills and, especially, his passion for the classical musical arts, he has been instrumental in making Jeunesses Musicales Canada a key player on Canada’s cultural scene.”

Internationally-renowned bass and now JMC Honorary President Joseph Rouleau’s accomplishments include the hosting of two annual general meetings for Jeunesses Musicales International (1999 and 2013), the creation of the JMC Vocal Arts Competition – known today as the Montreal International Musical Competition – and, with the support of the Jeunesses Musicales of Canada Foundation, the acquisition and renovation of JMC House, located in the heart of Montreal’s Plateau Mont-Royal, including the planning of its Chamber Music Hall, today renamed Salle Joseph-Rouleau.

Joseph-Rouleau Hall

Joseph-Rouleau Hall can hold an audience of 100 people. The acoustic qualities of the hall, entirely lined in maple, along with a Bösendorfer piano permanently residing in the room, offer optimal conditions in which to appreciate a broad spectrum of music composed for an intimate setting.

As an ideal space for musical initiation, each year, JMC House welcomes some 12,000 children of ages 3 to 12 who attend concerts or workshops designed especially for them. Each visit to Joseph-Rouleau Hall is a wonderful opportunity for young people to explore the world of performance and to step into the fascinating universe of music.

Joseph-Rouleau Hall also serves as a performance hall for many other concerts:
Happy Hour Concerts Series : A dynamic concerts series in a “Happy Hour” format, on Wednesdays
Concertinos famille Series : A series of concerts for families, on Sunday mornings.

Marie-Philippe M. Lambert
Communications Coordinator
514 845-4108 # 222
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