Jammies Jam

Posted by Webmaster JMC | February 11, 2016

Join us after bedtime and dance around in your pajamas! It’s a fun musical evening for children ages 3 to 12: rhythm-based games, body percussion, and traditional, modern, futurist and full-on wacky dance moves. Snacks and refreshments will be offered. Bring your smile and your slippers!


Jammies Jam

Saturday, February 27, from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm.

At the JMC House, 305, Mont-Royal Avenue East, near metro Mont-Royal (orange line)

This free event is brought to you by the Jeunesses Musicales Canada in collaboration with La Nuit blanche of Montréal en lumière.

No reservation is required. To participate, please show up at the JMC House when the event starts.


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  • Brochure Jeune Public 25-26
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