Press release
Montreal, Friday, March 7, 2025 – Jeunesses Musicales Canada (JMC) announces its next Happy Hour Concert, on Thursday, March 13, in Joseph-Rouleau Hall at the AndréBoubeau JMC House. Originally from the Montérégie region, Tommy Dupuis invites you to celebrate the sonority of the classical guitar through African-, Balkan-, and South American-inspired pieces, arrangements, and innovative techniques. Discover a vast musical universe with a repertoire that ranges from Bach to Chopin to Brouwer and includes original works by Canadian composers written especially for Tommy. Spice up your Thursday evening and join in celebrating our 75th anniversary, and the 40th anniversary of our Foundation! Great music guaranteed!
Thursday, March 13, 2025: complimentary cocktail at 6 p.m. and concert at 7 p.m.
Joseph-Rouleau Hall, The André-Bourbeau JMC House, 305 Av. du Mont-Royal Est, Montreal
Artist: Tommy Dupuis, classical guitar
Musical programme, in the exact order of performance:
Jean-Sébastien BACH (1685-1750)
Partita No. 2 pour violon, Allemande
Dušan BOGDANOVIC (Né en 1955)
Trois esquisses africaines
Six miniatures Balkans
Isaac ALBÉNIZ (1860-1909)
Granada, Suite Espanola no.1
Antonio JOSÉ (1902-1936)
Sonate pour guitare, 1er mouvement Allegro Moderato
Vincent POLLENDER (Né en 2000)
Toccate pour guitare
Miguel LLOBET (1878-1938)
Variations sur un thème de Sor
Tickets = $28 +tax (regular); $22 +tax (34 and under) / or
Source : Jeunesses Musicales Canada
Media contact: Erin Whittaker, cell: 514-706-3705,