El Duende


Cameron Crozman, cello
Michael Bridge, accordion


A Spanish word that has no equivalent in English, el duende is the magical moment when the spiritual experience of music transcends the art and its performers. Using the amazing pairing of a cello and an accordion, Cameron Crozman and Michael Bridge are offering you a chance to experience a moment of grace by exploring virtuosity and the limits of emotions, inspiration and the human soul. Get ready for mystery and enchantment!


A first look at the repertoire*

O. MESSIAEN (1908-1992)
Louange à l’éternité de Jésus

A. PIAZZOLLA (1921-1992)
Grand Tango

I. ALBÉNIZ (1860-1909)


*JM Canada reserves the right to modify the repertoire without prior notice.

NB : The commentary during the concert will be in French only.

Online brochures
  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025
  • Brochure Jeune Public 25-26
  • Digital Ballads