Fred Solo

Presented during school outings, this concert will be offered free of charge to 1,000 childrens from disadvantages backgrounds as part of the Musical Escapades from February 10 to 14, 2025.

A fun and exceptional sound experience!

FRED SOLO with his trumpets presents a repertoire of scholarly music through breathtaking performances, all in the form of interactive, humorous animations, accompanied by technological innovations!

Children will discover and learn, while having fun, the instruments of the brass family in the middle of an independent quadraphonic installation which will swirl the sound. It’s a date!

Presented by Fondation Famille Lupien and Famille Junca-Adenot.

Public: 5-10 years old

Frédéric Demers
Producer, performer, text, direction and sets

Julien-Robert Legault Salvail
Computer technician and Ableton specialist

Ping Pong Ping

Alba Patino

Fred Solo  Fred Solo

Available as a school outing from February 10 to 14, 2025 at 9:30, 10:45 and 13:15 in the Salle Joseph-Rouleau

Online brochures
  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025
  • Brochure Jeune Public 25-26
  • Digital Ballads