Isabella Tarantella – Orchestral Concert

On a mission to communicate with the people of Earth, a Martian lands on the blue planet and discovers that music is a truly universal language. Thanks to her unexpected encounter with a conductor and his orchestra, Isabella travels around the world of music and uncovers a universe of sound. From Tchaïkovski’s Arabian Dance to Ravel’s Laideronnette, impératrice des pagodes, fly from one continent to the next with the popular theme song from E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and sing along to encourage Isabella during her journey.  

Target audience: 6 to 12 years old
Duration: 55 minutes
Language of the performance: French or English

Technical info:  images projected by the concert’s technician
Sound: wireless headset for the actress
Lighting: plan available upon request
Teaching guide available


A coproduction of JM Canada and the Orchestre Classique de Montréal.

Danièle LeBlanc
as Isabella Tarantella

Ardyth Brott and Boris Brott

François Racine

This concert is reserved for collaborations with orchestras.

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  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025
  • Brochure Jeune Public 25-26
  • Digital Ballads