Up Tempo

Created in 2014 in collaboration with Espace Transition, the Up Tempo workshop helps young people struggling with mental health issues. The project includes 12 weekly workshops of 120 minutes each, which are facilitated by musicians from Jeunesses Musicales Canada. Up Tempo provides the participants with support to help them adapt psychosocially and have a “normalizing” experience.

The workshops focus on the development of musical sense, listening skills, coordination, concentration, and self-confidence, and also provide a space for the expression of emotions through rhythm and music. Our goal is to provide youth ages 14-25 with the skills and knowledge to play music in a group setting, produce rhythms with their body and voice, express their emotions and ideas, create musical works in a group setting, and perform in front of an audience.

We are asking for your support in the form of donations or sponsorships to help us continue this important work. A contribution from you will help us continue to provide youth with the opportunities they need to develop their musical skills, explore their creative potential, and improve their mental health.



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Online brochures
  • Brochure Young Audiences concerts, workshops and school outings
  • Joseph-Rouleau Hall 2024-2025
  • Brochure Jeune Public 25-26
  • Digital Ballads