Halloween Jam

A dance or a spell

The Halloween Ball is a participatory experiment in which three artists-two musicians and a dancer-invite everyone to dance to the rhythm of the pumpkin reel! Storytelling, music and dance are all part of this ball, where we create northern lights, howl at the moon, and talk about fear and transformation. An amazing ball where fantastic animals, healing witches, and enchanted creatures invite children to dance to the great musical classics of Halloween.


Target audience: 3 to 12 years old. Notice to presenters: We recommend segmenting groups according to children’s ages (3 to 5 and 6 to 12).

Lenght of the Jam: 55 minutes

Maximal number of participants: 150 to 250 children, depending on age

Languages: French and English

Conception: Anit Ghosh, Aurélien Tomasi, Andréa Nina Sarmiento, Aurélie Négrier, Claude Hurtubise, Laïla Breger, Stéphanie Beauparlant and Tim Savard.

Set designer: Noémie Beaulieu
Costumes: Leïlah Dufour Forget

Available for Educational Outings from October 23 to 27 and October 30 to 31, 2023 at 9:30, 10:45 and 13:15 at Joseph-Rouleau Hall

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Online brochure
  • Brochure Digital Ballads 23-24